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About Central Library

  • We have a central library functioning on the first and second floors of the canteen and library complex building.
  • We have a reading hall capacity of 150 seats in the 1st and 2nd floors, respectively.
  • We have computers with internet facilities for 150 seats at present.
  • For staff (faculty) reading purposes, 30 seats are available.
  • Working time: 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • of shifts: 2
  • of books: 4801
  • Textbooks and reference books around 3501
  • E-books: 1300

As per NMC norms, 60% of books are in hardcopy and 40% books are e-books. Annual subscriptions for 23 national and 22 foreign journals are available in the central library.


  • Reading and lending facilities are available for the faculty and students.
  • Computer access is available for students in the internet surfing area.
  • The digitalized library process is being developed.
  • A photocopying facility is available.

Library Rules

  1. Students, researchers, faculty and medical staff of the institution can visit the library during its working hours and use the library resources.
  2. Reference books for reading in the library need to be returned 15 minutes prior to closing time. No books will be lent after this period.
  3. Anyone other than the above categories may obtain reading privileges in the library for a period not exceeding six months with the prior approval of the principal of the institute.
  4. The library card is issued to all the students of the institution for the use of library facilities. This card needs to be produced while using the library facility. It is non-transferable. In case of loss of the card, one should inform the librarian in writing and apply for re-issue of the card.
  5. The books marked ‘Reference’ will be kept for use in the library only and will not be available for lending.
  6. The faculties of the institution may borrow up to two books at a time for a maximum period of 21 days. Students may borrow only one book at a time for a maximum period of 15 days. Books may be reissued unless they are reserved by others in advance.
  7. A penalty of Rs. 1/- per day per book is chargeable for delay in returning book(s) beyond the above stipulated period.
  8. The journals and thesis volumes can be used only inside the library.
  9. The books issued to the departments will be in the safe custody of the respective departmental heads.
  10. Any loss or damage to any book must be brought to the notice of the librarian immediately. The librarian will accept a replacement or the current cost of the book.
  11. The library clearance certificates are issued by the librarian against written application for the same, after verification to the satisfaction of the library authority.
  12. The working hours of the library: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Lending and return Time: 9.30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  13. This library can only be used by students, faculty, and staff. Others can use it with the prior permission of the Principal, Dean, or Librarian.
  14. Maintain silence inside the library.
  15. To keep bags, other luggage, or printed copies (books or journals) in the specific place (outside) of the reading room before entering the reading room of the central library.
  16. If there is any misbehavior or unhealthy behavior in the library by any member of this library, the librarian has the right to cancel the membership.