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About Community Medicine

Based on the recommendations of the National Medical Commission of India, the department has grown in stature and strength and assumed greater responsibilities of managing health delivery in the vicinities of Sriperumbudur.

Faculty in the department are qualified professionals in medicine as well as in the field of community health, social work and health planning for field-based service provision. Trained to be primary care physicians, researchers and administrators with the prerequisite clinical skills, knowledge of epidemiological and management principles, faculty have the ability to transfer of knowledge for improvement of the community health and various national targets for public health.

Community Health Centres

SL NO Name Location
1 RHTC- Rural Health and Training Center PudhuNallur
2 UHTC- Urban Health and Training Center SriPerumbudur

The objectives of the Health Centre’s are:-

  1. To provide preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitation services to the field practice areas of Rural and Urban Health Centres.
  2. To provide primary health services and referral services at Rural and Urban Health Centres.
  3. To develop undergraduates as primary care physicians to recognize, identify, prioritize and mange community health and social problems.
  4. To guide undergraduates in performing Family Adoption Program and community health research activities.
  5. To implement, monitor and evaluate the National Health programmes in the field practice area of Rural and Urban Health Centres.

As per the National Medical Commission (NMC) mandated Family Adoption

Programme (FAP) activities are undertaken by the department.